Higher levels of employee engagement

Develop mentally healthy and successful organisations by providing a compassionate and meaningful system that enables learning, wellbeing and high-quality performance in the workforce.

Provide employers with latest research-based organisational positive psychology and wellbeing frameworks to improve job design, talent and performance management, leadership and culture, as well as align individual and team strengths.



Wellbeing data, it’s time to take action.

Promoting mental health and wellbeing is not at the expense of the overall workplace. Research has shown that wellbeing is positively related to work performance. A study examining data of over 5000 employees in a customer services organisation in the U.S. found that work performance (using supervisory performance ratings) were highest when staff reported high levels of psychological well-being and job satisfaction.



Citizenship a pathway to Positive Organisations

What makes a Positive Organisation? How can systems move citizenship beyond their organisational boundaries?

According to Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) there are seven pillars that move individuals closer to civility. When citizenship is a critical component of a business value system it empowers employees to learn more about their impact on the people using their products and services. For instance, in WaterAid, recruits women in underdeveloped countries who have barely any access to water and include them in the planning, development and implementation women to learn more about their rights and awaken their leadership strength making them develop sustainable behaviours to improve living conditions in their communities.
